light blue contacts

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Light blue contacts

Light blue contacts for brown eyes.

Light blue contacts is being loved worldwide. For dark eyes or dark brown eyes, Light blue contacts creates perfect vivid blue color on your eyes.
it is called as perfect color enhancing contacts.

Deep Blue contacts & Grey contacts for brown eyes.

Furthermore, for deep blue or grey eyes, more light and vivid eyes color is provided. HushColor provides specific instruction and recommendation from specialists and heavy users about matching up with which make up and hair style.

All colored contact on HushColor is approved by FDA and KFDA, and provides 100% authentic Korean brands (GEO, G&G, NEOVISION, etc.) only!

People searching Light blue contacts retrieve aqua blue contacts too.

Outstanding blue color effect on dark brown, hazel, honey and any color eyes!

Low transparent light blue contacts provides bright brown color on your eyes.

High transparent light blue contacts gives slightly light blue color, blended with your eyes color. In order to have light blue for darkish eyes, low transparent blue contacts or high transparent brilliant blue contacts is recommended. Compare 2 pictures belowed.

You can clearly see how different between high transparent light blue contacts and low transparent light blue contacts on darkish eyes color.

These two items are the most popular light blue contacts worldwide.

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